Welcome to OB Bizmap’s
find it 1 2 3 (F123)
Treasure Hunts
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with pages loading, refresh
the page. In most cases it
will correct the glitch.
The speed of the Street View is
dependent on the bandwidth
of your connection.
If your photos are not clear
or have reflections on them
the QR code reader may not
validate the QR code. Please
try again if you get the
“Sorry Charlie” screen.
Here is how to play:

category that interests you.
“N” Indicates Voltaire St. Businesses.
“S” Indicates Point Loma Ave. Businesses.

the On-Screen Arrows to find the
Location Markers. Use the arrows
In the bottom green area to help
guide you to the location.

up from the bottom, go into the
store/location and find the
OB Bizmap Circle Sticker.

the bottom right

photo of the QR code on the
OB Bizmap Circle Sticker.
Be sure to NOT include the
START GAME code in your photo.

Once verified you will be
prompted to go to the next location.
Tap “Next Location”.
After you have completed
finding the 3rd Location you
will be presented with a
can redeem at your location.
We encourage you to enjoy as many
F123 treasure hunts as you can.
Have Fun!
Thank you for supporting our local merchants.
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